1) Complete this text about childhood amnesia using the words below.


THE FIRST two or three years of your life are full of new and, you would think, experiences. But the reality is that almost nothing most adults can from those very early years, their earliest  being, on average, from the age of about three and a half. This phenomenon is often referred to as 'childhood amnesia'.

Interestingly, young children are often able to bring to certain events from their first two years of life but, for reasons which are not fully understood, they generally lose this ability as they get older. (The artist Salvador Dali claimed he could recollect being in the womb, but there is no way to prove or disprove this!) Do those earliest memories disappear or does the mind them for some reason?

Nobody is sure. As well as this tendency to lose or memories from the first three years, most people have far fewer memories up to the age of eight than for other periods in their lives and they are often quite sketchy. Sometimes a picture or a piece of music can you of something or someone from years ago, and smells can be particularly . It is also possible for a sight, smell or sound to a feeling, for example, - rather than a specific memory. We still do not know exactly how the human mind stores information, but we do know that people who frequently about childhood experiences are more likely to create memories.

2) Choose the correct words in the sentences. Then think how you could complete them with your own ideas. Use your imagination.


1 When my grandfather is with friends, they like to sit and  about ...

2 My aunt has most of her memories of boarding school because ...

3 One thing that is particularly of my uncle's childhood abroad is ...

4 The sound of fireworks has always  my grandmother of...

5 My uncle feels a lot of  for the days when

6 One thing that made impression on my grandmother in her youth was ...

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