Was isst du zu Mittag? | Was isst du zu Abend?


Question 1: Names for Lunch and Dinner Foods  

Can you select the correct names for each pictured food?

The colour of the letters provides a hint to the gender of the German nouns:

masculine | feminine | neuter | plural










c *




*You can also say die Pommes Frites.

Pronunciation: die Pommes Frites    |  Pommes 

Question 2: Introducing the Verb mögen - to like

Look closely at the conjugation of the verb mögen and answer the questions below the table.

 mögen - to like | An Irregular Verb????????????????????

     ich mag - I like

     wir mögen - we like

     du magst - you like (singular)

     ihr mögt - you like (plural)

     er/sie/es mag - he/she/it likes

     sie mögen - they like


a The verb mögen is a/an verb.

b For the three persons singular, the vowel in this verb's stem .

c In the third person singular, there is .

d The plural pronoun endings for wir, ihr and sie (they) are completely . 

Question 3: Talking About Lunch and Dinner

Some key formulations are:

• Zu Mittag esse ich...+ [name of food].  For lunch I eat...
• Zu Abend esse ich gern + [name of food].  For dinner I like to eat...

• Ich mag [name of food] (sehr).  I like [name of food] (very much).

• Ich mag keinen Käsekeine Pizza | kein Brot. - I don't like cheese | pizza | bread.


Select the correct word for each space below. 

Minda: Was isst du gern zu  (for lunch)?

Alex: Ich esse gern  (pasta). Und du?

Minda: Zu Mittag esse ich  (soup) und ein Brötchen. 

Alex: Ja, Suppe ich auch, besonders im Winter. Meine Mutter isst Salat zum Mittagessen, aber ich mag Salat. Und was ihr als Familie zu Abend?

Minda: Wir Pizza sehr. Und am Wochenende essen wir gern  (pork roast) mit Kartoffeln.

Alex: Mein Lieblingsessen ist Schnitzel mit  (fries, chips).




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