aufwachen → to wake up
Drag the words into the spaces to construct the sentence:
I wake up early.
früh .
aufstehen → to get up, to stand up
Drag the words into the right spaces. Don't forget that the conjugated verb is placed in the second position.
Then I get up.
Dann .
sich anziehen → to dress (oneself)
This verb is both reflexive and separable. Where should the words go?
I dress myself.
einkaufen → to shop
Place the words in the right positions.
I buy lots of vegetables at the supermarket.
Ich viel im .
anrufen → to call someone
Which words go where?
A friend rings me (or calls me).
einladen → to invite
Place the words in the right positions below. Just a reminder, einladen is both a separable verb and a vowel-changer.
He invites me to lunch. How lovely!
zum Mittagessen . Wie schön!
sich ausruhen → to rest (oneself)
Where do the words belong? Remember to place the conjugated verb in the second position. This verb is also reflexive.
The lunch is delicious. Afterwards we have a rest.
Das Mittagessen ist lecker. Danach .
mitkommen → to come along
Where do the words go?
We go for a walk. The dog comes too.
Wir gehen spazieren. .
ankommen → to arrive
Drag the words into the right spaces.
I arrive home at 5 in the afternoon.
um fünf Uhr nachmittags .
zubereiten → to prepare food
Drag in the missing pieces.
I prepare dinner.
das Abendessen .
vorlesen → to read aloud
Construct the rest of the sentence. By the way, lesen is a vowel-changer and this affects vorlesen too.
My daughter reads me a story.
Meine Tochter eine .
Question 12: Lights Out
ausmachen → to turn off | einschlafen - to fall asleep
Here are the last two sentences of the day. Can you construct them both?
I turn out the light. I fall asleep.
Ich das Licht .
Ich .