The Accusative Case

Question 1: Using Accusative Case Articles: Definite and Indefinite

The missing definite and indefinite articles below are all in the accusative case. Type in the correct forms with the help of the table. The nouns are colour-coded: masculine | feminine | neuter | plural.

(a) Hast du Katze? -- Nein, aber wir haben Hund. - Do you have a cat? -- No, but we have a dog.

(b) Ich liebe Musik von dieser Band. Du auch? - I love the music of this band. You too?

(c) In meinem Zimmer gibt es Bett, Schreibtisch und Lampe. - In my room there is a bed, a desk and a lamp.

(d) Wie viele Brüder und Schwestern hast du? -- Ich habe nur Bruder. - How many brothers and sisters do you have? -- I only have one brother.

(e) Wir bringen Hund zum Tierarzt. - We are taking the dog to the vet.

Question 2: About the Accusative Case

The direct object  in a sentence is in the accusative case. It is the person or thing that is directly affected by the verb.

Nouns or pronouns in the accusative case have something done to them by the subject of the sentence. 

TASK: In the sentences below, select N (X6) for the words and phrases in the nominative case and A (X8) for those in the accusative case

(a) Es [] gibt in meinem Schlafzimmer einen Nachttisch [] und einen Kleiderschrank []. - There is a bedside table and a wardrobe in my bedroom.

(b) Unser Haus [] hat leider keinen Balkon []. - Unfortunately, our house doesn't have a balcony.

(c) Meine Großmutter [hat in ihrem Haus einen Keller  [und eine große Küche  []. - My grandmother has a cellar and a large kitchen in her house.

(d) Meine Freundin [] findet den neuen Kunstlehrer [] sehr nett. - My friend finds the new art teacher very nice.

(e) Einen neuen Laptop [] brauche ich [dringend. Der alte [hat viele kaputte Tasten []. - I desperately need a new laptop. The old one has many broken keys.